6 Fats You Should be Cooking With, and 1 You Could Probably Do Without
Since most of my recipes call for some type of fat for frying, sautéing, baking, topping, blending or just pensively rubbing into your...

How to Make Flavored Pili Nut Milk and Coffee Creamer
What the hell are Pili Nuts? If you’ve never heard of the Pili Nut, then obviously you’re not following me on Instagram, so go ahead and...

Interview with Christian Thibaudeau
I've interviewed quite a few prolific people in the fitness intdustry over the years, but this is by far my favorite piece, so I'm...

Can You Become Limitless?
Check out my article here for Metabolic Alchemy, about the huge daily supplement stack from a guy with a 192 IQ. If this is something you...

How to tell if you're a fitness a-hole
Something strange happens when people get stronger, lose fat, gain muscle, or set a new record number of reps in their zip code for...

The LeBron James Diet: A great way to make fun of Registered Dietitians. And the media. And your mom
Over the past few weeks, I've begrudgingly imbibed quite a bit of media coverage on the topic of LeBron's recent low carbohydrate diet....

Adrenal Dysfunction Podcast
I was recently interviewed on Super Human Radio about adrenal dysfunction and a supplement called AdrenoSurge. Check it out HERE The...